zondag 31 januari 2010

Scarlet and her new friend

Scarlet is feeling very much at home at her new parents. She shares the living room with a parrot called Rico and so far - and to our great surprise - all is well.

Rico has been used to living with cats and likes the company. We just hope that Jenny will continue to feed both on a regular basis :o).

Thank you Jenny for these pictures.
(c) 2010, Jennifer Rikkers

zaterdag 23 januari 2010

Tempus fugit

How times flies, at the end of this month Katy already turns eight months old and she is no longer a kitten but an adult cat (at least according to TICA). We loved showing her as a kitten and fortunately she loved it as well :-). Because we didn't show her that much we took the opportunity to show her one last time at the Vienna TICA show last weekend and she did great!!! She got 8 finals in which she even got two first places as best kitten!!! We are sooo proud of our little girl and we hope to show her as an adult with the same love and pleasure. For a cat who likes showing as much as Katy it is a treat to show her (off).

zondag 10 januari 2010

More than Welcome

More than Welcome, originally uploaded by Tom Poes.

Hours after we brought Mimi to her new home, we received this picture from her new human parents. It shows Mimi on the lap of Amy, the seven year old girl that was completely over the moon with Mimi's arrival.

It was a better day than Christmas!